Looking for premium membership

3 Posts
excelskyworld posted this 11 July 2021
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Hello Team,

i am looking for premium membersiop license.
but before starting I need to have few questions.
Q1: i am a single user
Q2: working in CPA marketing area (beginner level)
Q3: if i will go forward with a personal plan. then how many web pages I can build.

please let me know the details.

Hello Team, i am looking for premium membersiop license. but before starting I need to have few questions. Q1: i am a single user Q2: working in CPA marketing area (beginner level) Q3: if i will go forward with a personal plan. then how many web pages I can build. please let me know the details.
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2711 Posts
MerlinAZ posted this 11 July 2021

If you are using the version with Nicepage hosting (Web app with hosting), the Personal plan includes 1 site with unlimited pages.
If you are using the Desktop version with your own host elsewhere (Designer App Pack), you can make 5 different sites with the Personal version.

If you are using the version with Nicepage hosting (Web app with hosting), the Personal plan includes 1 site with unlimited pages. If you are using the Desktop version with your own host elsewhere (Designer App Pack), you can make 5 different sites with the Personal version.

Last edited 11 July 2021 by MerlinAZ

Support Team
Support Team posted this 11 July 2021


Thanks for contacting us

If you want to have the Personal Premium License for Desktop.

Q1: i am a single user

Nicepage licenses are for a single use only.

Q2: working in CPA marketing area (beginner level)

Please specify which CPA strategy did you choose and what are you going to promote?

You can also join the team to promote the Nicepage as an affiliate

Q3: if i will go forward with a personal plan. then how many web pages I can build.

You can have 5 websites on your Nicepage Desktop App dashboard with an unlimited pages. So if you will delete or export the project to use later you can create another website. So, in generally you can make as much websites as you want.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us

Ahmad M.
Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1.
Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp.

Hi, Thanks for contacting us If you want to have the Personal Premium License for Desktop. > Q1: i am a single user Nicepage licenses are for a single use only. > Q2: working in CPA marketing area (beginner level) Please specify which CPA strategy did you choose and what are you going to promote? You can also join the team to promote the Nicepage as an affiliate https://nicepage.com/affiliates >Q3: if i will go forward with a personal plan. then how many web pages I can build. You can have 5 websites on your Nicepage Desktop App dashboard with an unlimited pages. So if you will delete or export the project to use later you can create another website. So, in generally you can make as much websites as you want. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us https://nicepage.com/Forum/Topic/Create ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad M. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1. Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp.
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