Dark mode for websites

369 Posts
xvemanuelvx posted this 21 July 2022

Hi. Can you perhaps develop a function for Nicepage to offer a dark mode on its own website?
It would be possible if you could just adjust the color palette for the dark mode, then it would also cover the whole page.
To activate it, a button in the header would be helpful, or that it is automatically detected whether the device has activated dark mode.

Hi. Can you perhaps develop a function for Nicepage to offer a dark mode on its own website? It would be possible if you could just adjust the color palette for the dark mode, then it would also cover the whole page. To activate it, a button in the header would be helpful, or that it is automatically detected whether the device has activated dark mode.

Last edited 21 July 2022 by xvemanuelvx

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Support Team
Support Team posted this 21 July 2022

Hello Emanuel,

Thanks for your proposition, we already added your idea to our wishlist!
Negat Veri
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Emanuel, Thanks for your proposition, we already added your idea to our wishlist! ................................................... Sincerely, Negat Veri Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
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