Assign CSS classes in the global theme settings

369 Posts
xvemanuelvx posted this 04 May 2023

Is it possible to assign CSS classes to elements in the global theme settings? For example, so that this CSS class is automatically applied to all H1 elements, and I do not have to add it to each individually.
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Is it possible to assign CSS classes to elements in the global theme settings? For example, so that this CSS class is automatically applied to all H1 elements, and I do not have to add it to each individually. Please add to wishlist.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 04 May 2023

Hello Emanuel,

If you want to change all h1 and for this, you want to add class all h1, you do not add class, anyone. You can use the tag as the selector. Just write h1 {color: red}, and after this, every h1 will be red, if don't work add !important of the end, and write like this h1 {color: red !important}. when you need to use a tag selector, pay attention . ( . ). here don't need . Write just h1 or h5 or p or span or button. don't .h1 .h5 .span .button.
George B.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Emanuel, If you want to change all h1 and for this, you want to add class all h1, you do not add class, anyone. You can use the tag as the selector. Just write h1 {color: red}, and after this, every h1 will be red, if don't work add !important of the end, and write like this h1 {color: red !important}. when you need to use a tag selector, pay attention . ( . ). here don't need . Write just h1 or h5 or p or span or button. don't .h1 .h5 .span .button. ................................................... Sincerely, George B. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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