A Wordpress blog on an HTML site

9 Posts
ColinK posted this 21 February 2024
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There are some similar questions but they don’t exactly cover my use case.

I see from tutorials for an HTML site build it is possible to include a HTML blog, so that latest posts display on any selected page.

Is it possible to keep tge HTML site as the main static site but use Wordpress as the blog, while including latest posts on several pages, based on categories shared across the HTML site and Wordpress site.

Home page includes a footer showing three latest posts (in Wordpress).
My Ford page has a footer with all the latest blog posts with category = Ford
Same for my BMW page

There are some similar questions but they don’t exactly cover my use case. I see from tutorials for an HTML site build it is possible to include a HTML blog, so that latest posts display on any selected page. Is it possible to keep tge HTML site as the main static site but use Wordpress as the blog, while including latest posts on several pages, based on categories shared across the HTML site and Wordpress site. Example Home page includes a footer showing three latest posts (in Wordpress). My Ford page has a footer with all the latest blog posts with category = Ford Same for my BMW page
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 22 February 2024


Unfortunately, there is no such functionality out of the box. If you can get the HTML code for the widget, you can insert in with the HTML Element.

Alan R.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Unfortunately, there is no such functionality out of the box. If you can get the HTML code for the widget, you can insert in with the HTML Element. ................................................... Sincerely, Alan R. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=.1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageap.p
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