Why I Prefer Nicepage (So Far)

124 Posts
shane53 posted this 28 July 2020
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I know the forum gets a fair bit of criticism, so I thought I would put in a good word for this product.

I'm a web technologies student and while I prefer to do everything from scratch, I'm not quite at the point where I have the time to "reinvent the wheel". I've looked at many content creator plugins, themes editors etc, but keep coming back to Nicepage. Here is why.

The biggest reason is because it has a stand-alone application where I can sandbox/ design without being in the CMS environment. I find designing within the CMS stifling. Within the CMS I feel like you can't see the forrest from the trees. I love how Nicepage presents an overview of the page/ design so you can get a good overview of what the page looks like. The application has a good way of organizing your workflow in a hierarchy. When you start Nicepage, you get an overview of your sites on the left, then when you highlight one, you see a thumbnail of the pages. When you click on the page, it expands the page and breaks down the sections on the left so you can mentally treat each section as a separate entity. This is the proper way to organize a large project, by breaking it down into its separate pieces.

Another compelling reason to use Nicepage is because of its minimalistic interface. If you look at something like Themler or Divi, you are overwhelmed with elements, properties and values. I feel this gets in the way of the creative process. Things should largely be visual, then allow you to get to the fine tuning of the individual element when you're ready to do so.

Secondly the BillionThemes "clip-art" is a great asset while designing. While it might not have the biggest selection of content compared to some, there is enough available to include media that will get the idea across to the client. We can swap out the media with our own content later. To have this included with the subscription is amazing value. I haven't seen any of the competition include this.

Thirdly, the developers are constantly updating the product. Every week it feels like a new feature has been added. As much as I detest subscription software, I do feel that this is one of the subscriptions that might actually be worthwhile. I would still love to see a lifetime subscription option like Divi has.

Nicepage has its own theme and design editor. Trying to get a content creation plugin to play nicely with a separate theme can be a huge pain. The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. I can manually code a page to get the desired result faster than going into someone else's messy code to fix an issue. With Nicepage I can edit both in the application and see the combined results instantly..

Like many creator packages, the editing process would be too difficult for any of my clients. However, I don't want them to do the designing, that's my job. Their job is to create / edit the content which is the basic paradigm of a CMS. It's too frustrating for a client to navigate through multiple nested logical divisions/ containers only to mis-click on something and have it mysteriously mis-align, or worse. Now that Nicepage has a Blog Post section, I can have my clients work almost exclusively with posts, and have Nicepage automatically format the posts for them.

Thanks Nicepage team, keep up the good work.

I know the forum gets a fair bit of criticism, so I thought I would put in a good word for this product. I'm a web technologies student and while I prefer to do everything from scratch, I'm not quite at the point where I have the time to "reinvent the wheel". I've looked at many content creator plugins, themes editors etc, but keep coming back to Nicepage. Here is why. The biggest reason is because it has a stand-alone application where I can sandbox/ design without being in the CMS environment. I find designing within the CMS stifling. Within the CMS I feel like you can't see the forrest from the trees. I love how Nicepage presents an overview of the page/ design so you can get a good overview of what the page looks like. The application has a good way of organizing your workflow in a hierarchy. When you start Nicepage, you get an overview of your sites on the left, then when you highlight one, you see a thumbnail of the pages. When you click on the page, it expands the page and breaks down the sections on the left so you can mentally treat each section as a separate entity. This is the proper way to organize a large project, by breaking it down into its separate pieces. Another compelling reason to use Nicepage is because of its minimalistic interface. If you look at something like Themler or Divi, you are overwhelmed with elements, properties and values. I feel this gets in the way of the creative process. Things should largely be visual, then allow you to get to the fine tuning of the individual element when you're ready to do so. Secondly the BillionThemes "clip-art" is a great asset while designing. While it might not have the biggest selection of content compared to some, there is enough available to include media that will get the idea across to the client. We can swap out the media with our own content later. To have this included with the subscription is amazing value. I haven't seen any of the competition include this. Thirdly, the developers are constantly updating the product. Every week it feels like a new feature has been added. As much as I detest subscription software, I do feel that this is one of the subscriptions that might actually be worthwhile. I would still love to see a lifetime subscription option like Divi has. Nicepage has its own theme and design editor. Trying to get a content creation plugin to play nicely with a separate theme can be a huge pain. The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. I can manually code a page to get the desired result faster than going into someone else's messy code to fix an issue. With Nicepage I can edit both in the application and see the combined results instantly.. Like many creator packages, the editing process would be too difficult for any of my clients. However, I don't want them to do the designing, that's my job. Their job is to create / edit the content which is the basic paradigm of a CMS. It's too frustrating for a client to navigate through multiple nested logical divisions/ containers only to mis-click on something and have it mysteriously mis-align, or worse. Now that Nicepage has a Blog Post section, I can have my clients work almost exclusively with posts, and have Nicepage automatically format the posts for them. Thanks Nicepage team, keep up the good work.

Last edited 28 July 2020 by shane53

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2711 Posts
MerlinAZ posted this 29 July 2020

I agree.
Is it perfect? No.
But it gets regular updates, and at this point, is willing to look at issues.
I found a bug and it was acknowledged and fixed in short order.
I haven't had it for that long so far, but I've done 2 very nice sites, nicer than the previous ones I had using my previous software.
At this point, I'm satisfied with my switch to NP.
I only make HTML static sites, not using WP, so I can't comment on the complexities and issues that come up using that.

I agree. Is it perfect? No. But it gets regular updates, and at this point, is willing to look at issues. I found a bug and it was acknowledged and fixed in short order. I haven't had it for that long so far, but I've done 2 very nice sites, nicer than the previous ones I had using my previous software. At this point, I'm satisfied with my switch to NP. I only make HTML static sites, not using WP, so I can't comment on the complexities and issues that come up using that.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 31 July 2020

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Nicepage Support Team

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Thank you for your feedback! ................................................... Sincerely, Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
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