Menu Items Leading to A Post

124 Posts
shane53 posted this 02 September 2020
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Hi Nicepage and community.

Is it possible to create a menu item that leads to a post? In Wordpress I know you can typically do this in the template settings by adding a post to the menu, but when I do this, it doesn't show up. I'm assuming it's because Nicepage is over-riding the CMS menu system? Interestingly, Wordpress lists the Nicepage menu as invalid.

enter image description here
Hi Nicepage and community. Is it possible to create a menu item that leads to a post? In Wordpress I know you can typically do this in the template settings by adding a post to the menu, but when I do this, it doesn't show up. I'm assuming it's because Nicepage is over-riding the CMS menu system? Interestingly, Wordpress lists the Nicepage menu as invalid. ![enter image description here][1] [1]:
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 02 September 2020


Nicepage uses a native WordPress menu and provides a "Primary Navigation" location for this menu. Therefore, you can add more menu items to the primary navigation in the usual way. Please open primary navigation to add more items. The screenshots you provided demonstrates the menu which is not in the "Primary Navigation" location and contains invalid menu item. We cannot say why it is invalid as there no details about this item.
Please let us know if you need our further assistance.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Nicepage uses a native WordPress menu and provides a "Primary Navigation" location for this menu. Therefore, you can add more menu items to the primary navigation in the usual way. Please open primary navigation to add more items. The screenshots you provided demonstrates the menu which is not in the "Primary Navigation" location and contains invalid menu item. We cannot say why it is invalid as there no details about this item. Please let us know if you need our further assistance. ................................................... Sincerely, Olivia Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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