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So ändern Sie das Aussehen der Formulareingabefelder

Die Formulareingaben können verschiedene Stile haben, und jetzt ist es beliebt, Eingaben nur mit dem unteren Rand zu haben, der das Eingabefeld markiert. Sie können Schriftart, Füllung, Rahmen und mehr für das einer Webseite hinzugefügte Kontaktformularelement stilisieren. Wählen Sie ein Formular aus und klicken Sie dann im Eigenschaftenbereich auf den Link Eingabestil. Ändern Sie das Aussehen der Formulareingaben, indem Sie eine Vorschau Ihrer Änderungen im Editor anzeigen.
So ändern Sie das Aussehen der Formulareingabefelder

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How To Stylize Contact Form Inputs For Web Design Requirements

The Nicepage Website Builder allows you immediately realize how to create styling looking contact page after exploring our property panel for contact forms. Our site builder can help you easily and responsively develop unique input field styles for the contact page, making the end project more beautiful than using a WordPress theme to install the default contact form 7 plugin. Similar to WordPress plugins of the style of the form 7 form fields or custom CSS to style multiple contact forms contact plugins, our builder provides style options that help customize all fields of the contact us form. You can customize fields where the background color font plays a crucial role and correlate them with background color text input fields and email address fields so that incompatible colors of text and background will not discard visitors.

The modern, most popular contact form plugin in WordPress theme is one of the main examples of how contact form 7 forms beautiful input field styles of form pages with additional CSS form plugins. Using a contact form 7 plugin forms an overall style of the contact form 7 and helps contact form 7 form a good style of the contact page input fields with most modern contact form plugins of WordPress. Yet, how to create styles for the form or style contact forms 7 without WordPress plugins in the WordPress theme? How to create beautiful input fields and make styling the form 7 forms using custom CSS form 7 or customize additional CSS form so it would look unique?

Like how contact form 7 forms a style of its form 7 fields and can use any following CSS code below the main one, our builder allows you to add custom CSS to style or find a CSS code that you need for your field style. You require no additional material on creating a style of email address, phone, name, or message fields, along with the submit button form. So the submit button, which forms and represents the indicator of completion even without following the CSS code below or other built-ups, will be beautiful and fully functional. Our builder options will show how to style your form fields how custom style contact form 7 fields will never be able to look or perform.